Wednesday, April 30, 2014

  Genre Conventions:

  • a group of friends travel out to sea 
  • the boys decide to have wealth/power or use it for good 
  • weapons 
  • violence 
  • scenes full of action 

 1. Logline:  Our protagonist finds a device that can teleport him from one place to another.
 2. Genre: Action/Heroic
 3. Main Character Description: courageous, bold and he is strong
■ Setup/Conflict: He is faced with a villain who once was his friend.  And attempts to take over New
■ Rising Action 1:  The boys adventure out in a boat to the water and find the device.
■ Rising Action 2:  Each boy has a different view on how to use it one wants it for evil while the other
wants to use it for good. The boys fight.
■ Rising Action 3: The boys than have an epic battle in New York.  ■ Resolution:  Our protagonist wins, saving New York from the evil. Leaving behind a free New York.

The Plot Device
Logline:  Our protagonist ordered online a book and a plot device.  Not knowing what it does he uses the plot device.  The device places him in differents plot sequences.

Genre: Comedy
  Main Character: Boy
Setting: Front of his house
Inciting Incident: A young interested boy, shopping online.
5. Rising Action #1- The first complication the character is is confronted with is when he uses the plot device machine and he is a new scenario.
6. Rising Action #2- The second complication the character is confronted with is when he uses the plot device machine and he is a new scenario.
7. Rising Action #3- The third complication the character is confronted with is when he uses the plot device machine and he is a new scenario.
Rising Action #4- The fourth complication the character is confronted with is when he uses the plot device machine and he is a new scenario.
Rising Action #5- The fifth complication the character is confronted with is when he uses the plot device machine and he is a new scenario.
Rising Action #6- The sixth complication the character is confronted with is when he uses the plot device machine and he is a new scenario.
Climax: There is no winner he is just stuck in the plots.
Resolution: The story does not end but is a continuous sequence.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

This idea came to me when I was eating and enjoying  a  chocolate chip cookie.  Then I thought of what if my cookie ran away from me.  How would I feel I asked myself  if it actually did happen. Then I thought that I should use that idea for my composite. So I decided to change my initial idea and do my cookie idea.  The idea was to have me go get a cookie from the cookie jar but as I open it the cookie will roll away and have me chase it into a field.  
In order to accomplish this idea I needed to add myself in to the composite to chase the cookie down.  Therefore I used the green screen to incorporate myself by recording myself doing multiple actions like me running, grabbing the cookie and me looking angry.  The challenges that I faced were not with recording but when I synced my images on the computer and editing the green screen out.  Also I needed to incorporate the storyline, so I used photoshop to put in pictures. I had no real challenges but I faced problems locating the tools.
My title was created to appear letter by letter in and in the background and you are able to see my face screaming.  I had no challenges creating this title.  Overall my finished project matched what I visioned to have.  I liked it when I made the eagle fly.  New skills that I learned was downloading my green screen image onto the computer.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Stay in School Don't Be A Fool!

1. Before I started to film for this project my group and I had to brainstorm on what to do. We decided to create our PSA on High School Dropouts.

2. We had multiple problems but one problem that was very significant was that we had problems getting together to record our PSA. The only way we decided to solve our problem was to record during class. Which is what we did not want to do for this video. Our actual goal was to record at different locations to make this PSA more interesting.

3. While I was editing the footage I did not have to use any effects or filters to create a better image. I believe that my footage had great quality. It was not a perfect PSA, I did have a couple of flaws but they were not significant.

4. I believe that my PSA had greet quality the video played in a fluid motion. There was no choppy scenes that attracted my attention. I also think that my PSA will grab the attention of my audience. Also this will demonstrate to my audience a way to act because my PSA targets high school students. Since my audience are high school students, they will learn not to drop out of high school and stay in school and get a high school education that will help them to be successful.
                       Stay in School Don't be a Fool!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Raul collage!

I. Theme/ story line/ Ideas-  My theme behind my collage is to show the audience that I am a faithful 49er fan and I like my Bay area, San Francisco.
II. Layers selections- I chose to do a 49er poster in the background.  Then I added the San Francisco skyline and then I added the SF bay in front of the city.  Standing on the surface of the Bay I put Colin Kaprenick throwing the football and a layer of me diving to catch the football, with fire booster shoes and holding a foam finger.
III. Foreground/mid-ground/ background-
    • How did you create a sense of depth in the image?  To create a sense of depth in my collage I added the effect of shadowing. So the building looks like it is coming out of the picture to have the feeling that you are in the city.  Then I had placed Kaprenick and I in front to help add depth to the picture. 

    • What is in the foreground-The foreground  is Colin Kaprenick  throwing the football.  With me diving to get the football.

    •  midground- is the bay area and background- is the 49er wallpaper of the image.
IV. Filters/effects/layer modes-
    • How did you add filters and effects that help the overall composition?  I added shadowing so the viewer will see depth in the collage I added a glow to my foam finger to help emphasize the idea of me being the 49ers number one fan.  Then I made the head coach of the 49ers  Jim Harbough in the top left corner.  With the opacity high so he is a ghost like image of himself. I also used the opacity tool for the fire that is coming out of my feet, to dul down the flame.
V. Text and Picture of Self
How did you incorparate you image and text in the composition.   
I placed myself diving for the football and the text illustrated the idea of me being open to catch thefootball.
VI. Overall Evaluation of the Piece:
  • How do you think your project represents your creativity in photoshop?
  When I first finished my collage it seemed  dull to me because there was no creativity in it.  It was just a collage of what I like, so I added the fire coming out of my feet so that this collage would have a creative element.  I also added a glow and a curve to my words so that they wouldn't just be words on a page.  I wanted them to have a wow factor so I did what I did.
  • What do you like best in the project?
  The best part of doing my collage was when I finished the project.  I felt so good and proud in myself for what I did in photoshop. 
        • What was the theme, idea or story you tried to develop in your piece.   My goal was to show that I like the 49ers and I have a liking in the Bay Area, San Francisco.
        • What objects did you use as symbols or metaphors for your ideas.  To help show that I like the 49ers I added a 49er wallpaper, Collin Kaprenick, Jim Harbough and me holding a foam finger showing that I am the number 1 fan.  Also to show that I like the San Francisco I added the San Francisco skyline and the bay.
        • What layers did you need to cut out  and what tools did you use to do it?  I needed to cut out many layers like the water, the San Francisco skyline, Kaprenick and Harbough, I cut them out using quick mask mode.  The other layers like the flames, the picture of me, and the foam finger with magic wand.
        • Were there any challenges you confronted and overcame?                       A challenge that I had to overcome was my picture because my fingers got cut off and in order to fix that I had to cover my hand with a foam finger.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Godfather 
    The Godfather was a great movie.  It was so good in my opinion that I can watch it again and again.  It is such a great American Crime film.  It has a well written script that makes me want to watch it again.  So if I was left on an island with the Godfather and a DVD player, I would be able to watch it over and over.
     The Godfather has such a great plot.  The Godfather has a complex plot and a great script that intrigues the audience and hooks them into watching it again.  
"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli." - Clemenza to Rocco   

"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." - Don Corleone to Johnny Fontane about Woltz

 The Dark Knight
    This was also a great movie.  It was so good in my opinion that I can watch it over and over.  The movie was a great hero movie and not to mention the villain the Joker was so great.  The Joker played his role perfectly.  The part of him and the batman interrogating him the Joker is so crazy and mellow and the Batman is so serious.  The scene becomes funny to me because it is supposed to be serious.  The Joker plays off the Batman well, and helps to build the movie to be very good and wonderful to watch.
  Also the Dark Knight has a great actors.  They really become their character. In the dark Knight Heath Ledger plays the Joker really good.  He becomes this crazy, psycho killing clown that draws the audience in awww.  Having me and most likely many others wanting to watch again.

     This movie was so good. In my opinion I can watch it over and over.  This movie was true to its time period.  It followed the script to the extent where it could have been true. The characters play their role very good. I found it to have three great qualities that a movie should have I believe, action, its comedic, and has great special effects.  Also one of my favorite actors was in the film Jonah Hill. So I guess you can say 4 great qualities.
     Jonah Hill helped to make the scenes funny when they should be serious.   Like when they show him in the KKK he provides a comedic role by ruining his mask and providing jokes about  the mask.